Good evening friends,
Just one learning on goal setting and time this weekend. You might find it useful as you start a fresh week, or start planning 2023.
🔖 My feed this week
I took an online coaching workshop — Victoria Song's Masterclass, Bend The Odds In Your Favor ($222 @
🎼 What I learned this week
Are timelines f***ing up your flow? I’m usuaully an advocate for deadlines—Victoria’s Masterclass changed my tune. Before being acquired by PayPal for $4B, Honey’s CEO set OKRs without due dates. The team instead ran at each milestone as quickly as possible. The outcome? Honey unfailingly topped expectations. According to Victoria, the default way humans relate to time moves us into contraction and out of the flow of expansion. Examining my own agenda, I get why. We’ve been conditioned to believe two things about time: (1) there’s only so of it, and (2) society has certain predictable timelines for things, like it takes “X number of years” to build a company, write a book, get a promotion, etc. These belief programs aren’t necessarily true, and adhering to them limits our ability to see what’s actually possible. We assemble evidence that we’re racing against a clock. Either that, or we’re waiting for “someday” to finally have or do what we really want. The clock throws our bodies into pushing, controlling, and surviving instead of trusting and doing. Rather than wanting a thing, we start needing to make things happen, producing unneeded internal conflict. If it has to happen on a certain timeline, than every moment it’s not happening, we’re experiencing a sense of lack. I say we try something new.
🧰 Try this on
Set a goal without a timeline. Instead of, say, needing to save $50K by the end of 2023, set a goal of saving $100K as fast as possible. I’m using money as an easy example, but it can be anything: learning a new skill, creating 100 songs, writing 200 pages, whatever! Make it a want, not a need. Perhaps you’ll see avenues you didn’t see before and more flowingly take action.
There's no such thing as time